
First time logging in or forgotten your password?

Please enter the email address that you registered your domain name with.

We will then send you an email from which you can log in and create your password.

Having issues with Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-Factor Authentication (2fa) is a level of authentication that uses Google Authenticator. You can have up to 5 devices per login.

If you are unable to login with 2fa please contact us on: Telephone: +44(0) 330 236 9470 (Lines open 8am - 6pm), Email: .

Forgotten your passphrase?

Passphrases are optional authentication, for users who do not use Two-Factor Authentication. If you have set a passphrase, you are asked for 3 randomly-chosen letters of it each time you log in.

If you have forgotten your passphrase, please contact us on: Telephone: +44(0) 330 236 9470 (Lines open 8am - 6pm), Email: .

Forgotten your email address registered with us?

Please try one of the following options:

  1. If you are a registrant (have domains with us): contact your registrar, who will be able to update your email address, and failing that you will need to re-establish your identity with us.

    re-establish your identity

  2. If you are a registrar/have other services with us: contact another administrative contact on your account who will be able to update your email address.